Sunday, 29 September 2013


I created this conceptual ad to convey how pushing forward with exercise helps one leave negative emotions behind. The tagline: “Energy For What Will Be.” We presented this concept to an Ad Group that was set in their ways. The concept was met with negative feedback and rejected.

Four years later, I saw the Asics ad on the right in Men’s Health Magazine… and felt sweet vindication. Although a small ad group rejected our concept, Asics had enough belief in a similar concept to invest $186,000 for an ad in the World’s Greatest Magazine.

The Lesson: Don’t stop believin’ in your vision. Think big. The concept that is too “different” for one client is the same concept that will be embraced by a winner.

This ad found in People Magazine for Eggo Waffles and their latest product, chocolate chip granola waffles. This ad was cute. It displays two waffles lined up on top of each other, toasted and ready to be eaten, complete with a syrup on top. Literally, this ad is showing the food prepared to eat for breakfast on a plate with silverware. A closer look, you can tell that the waffles and even the syrup are cleverly put together to resemble that of an electrical outlet. Eggo is trying to sell their product as having granola energy and providing consumers with more energy, power, and nutrients in the morning to fuel you throughout your day, similarly to a light socket. Electrical sockets supply energy and power and, as advertised symbolically, the waffles should do the same for your body.

This advertisement for Toyo tires cleverly uses octopus to go with their slogan "Griping Performance".

This powerful Public Interest advertisement campaign successfully illustrates how verbal abuse can be just as horrific as physical violence. It raises awareness of issue of vicious domestic verbal abuse.
Another witty and brilliant piece of conceptual photo manipulation. It says something so philosophical in such a minimal and simple way. Life is Heavy.

This is really a sad love story. It is amazing how you can tell a story with just one object. The old and faded effect gives it an interesting feel. The idea of using fruit to make something that seems so simple and yet universally recognizable is very clever.

E-mail and texting have made communication instantaneous and easy. But a hand-written letter has a personal touch to it. There is something about ink and paper that an email will simply never replace. This print advertisement for the Australia Post successfully conveys that message
This print advertisement by Olympus has a great concept and visual. It uses the frozen ice to symbolize that the action has been frozen in time by the camera.

Konik, I. 2007.

Konik, I. 2007.”Thematising the ugly side of sublime technological development in Sonzero’s Pulse (2006) as an inadvertent critique of the ‘technocentricism’ of postmodernity”. South African Journal of Art History 22(3).
Now state in your own words what Konik is saying.

Konik is refering to a movie called  Sonzero’s 'Pulse'  Technocentricism of postmodernist states that we can no longer escape from the technology of our everyday life. The world is turning  into a capitalist-techno science. Konik discusses this as a negative effect. We are becoming dehumanised, and our personal lives will be taken from us, as displayed in the movie.  As with nearly all issues, the development of technology is accapted by many while it is strongly opposed by others. In the movie we see how technology has consumered the poeple.

Imagine our wireless technologies made a connection to a world beyond our own. Imagine that world used that technology as a doorway into ours. Now, imagine the connection we made can’t be shut down. When you turn on your cell phone or log on to your e-mail, they’ll get in, you’ll be infected and they’ll be able to take from you what they don’t have anymore-life. © © 2006 The Weinstein Company, LLC

Todays society is lost or even consisted dehumanised. society is no longer willing to help one another, people do not make eye contact, youth are self-centred and anti-social. Cell phones and smart phones have dramatically changed the way people communicate on a personal level. Have you ever been in a restaurant, theater, or even on a bus or airplane and some one ruins your experience bellowing into his or her cell almost continuously? Its crazy right! Most music that is aimed towards youth and ignorant people seem to brainwash them to listen to music that has no positive meaning. It seems that we do not live a natural life due to its congestion of a materialistic world swamped by media and influences from a society like ours. In many respects it has diluted social interactivity, causing also more coldness as people become part of a consuming society, only thinking about money, their purchased product and of course in the end, themselves. People now worry about what they have, not what they are. Thats why today technology is taking over peoples lives. It has killed the spirit of  living life.
I for one try to change this by making myself a positive person, being nice no matter what, informing myself of whats true and whats not, treating people and things with respect. being patient, stepping up against injustice of any kind.
Technology is a life's necessity. without electricity or technology, our health system would be terrible, there would be no medicine or ability to diagnose issues, but at the same time our laziness and reliability on technology has taken a turn for worse when we look at our unphysical lifestyles, there are no recreational activities anymore, everything is living from the pc, as long as there is a balance we will be fine, like everything we need to balance things so that it doesn't take over life completely, technology is and will continue to become an addiction, and a reliance.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Compare the key elements of Modernism and Postmodernism

Absolute total RandomPostmodernism can manifest as juxtaposition of anything Modernist with the Classical. Postmodernism,  is modernism with an added element of irony and deeper meaning such as a radical political statement, deconstruction of historical benchmarks, or socio-economic commentary. It is the glorification of rebellious lifestyle, Everything is relative, not absolute. It is really hard to describe Postmodernism really,I just know that Postmodernism is the idea that there are no absolute truths.
When I think of modernism, I think of cutting edge, new, fresh, and original…Modernism always strives for progress, which according to Modernism can be measured and objectively defined.

The 1975 poster by Josef Müller-Brockman entitled “akari” is an advertisement for an exhibition in Germany for a Japanese light company (Akari). This is simplicity at its finest, the beautiful circle of light and its reflection, the four-column grid layout of the text which includes the simple title (all lower case, Helvetica), and the simple black background. 


Wickapedida states that postmodernism is a way of being free to combine any elements or styles in a piece of work even if it is irrelevant to the subject and it stated that postmodernism rejects rigid genre boundaries and promotes parody, irony, and playfulness, commonly referred to as jouissance by postmodern theorists, in graphis design postmodernims has been a visual and decorative movment. Then It went on to say how some artistic movement saw postmodernism as pop art, which when I thought about it, I agreed with to a certain extent. Unlike modern art, postmodern art does not approach this fragmentation as somehow faulty or undesirable, but rather celebrates it.

This is the album cover for The Sex Pistol’s 1977 hit single “God Save the Queen”. Designed by British artist Jaime Reid, this cover comes to symbolize the punk movement of late 1970’s England. This cover would later come to influence a style that would come to categorize early postmodern design different typeface in one compositions with little to no visible organization and the use of appropriation. (

            Master Narratives and Metanarratives of history.
Rejection of Master Narratives, ironic deconstruction of master narratives.
           Hierarchy, order, centralized control.
Anarchy, Subverted order, loss of centralized control, fragmentation.
           Seriousness of intention and purpose.
Play, irony, challenge to official seriousness.
           Sense of clear generic boundaries and wholeness.
Hybridity, promiscuous genres, pastiche.
           Centering/centeredness, Centralized knowledge.
Dispersal, dissemination, distributed knowledge
            Linear,  proportional effects
Nonlinear, disproportional effects
           three-dimensional space
            Hypo taxis 
            Books as sufficient bearer of the word, the library as system for printed knowledge.
The Web or Net as information system

      Dichotomy of high and low culture (official vs. popular culture)
Disruption of the dominance of high culture by popular culture.            